Connecting buyers with local underrepresented businesses

Uplift Procure is a platform that enables underrepresented businesses to thrive in the local economy by leveraging institutional spending and creating sustainable business relationships with partner institutions.

An example of a search inside the Uplift Procure platform: this screenshot shows a search for companies in the 'HR Management' industry, with search results plotted on a map

Uplift Procure Platform

Extensive vendor catalogue

Explore our extensive catalogue of local businesses who can tackle your project requirements.

Purchase Order & Contract Financing solutions

PO & Contract financing solutions to ensure projects are completed with minimum risk of interruption.

Find vendors in your geographies of interest

Search by vendor location and service areas or by your catchment areas.

Certifications to meet your needs

Detailed certification and accreditation information to support your compliance and reporting needs.

Compare vendors

Easily compare detailed industry-level metrics for vendors to help you find the right ones that fit your project requirements.

RFP services

Uplift Procure provides Request for Proposal (RFP) assistance for both buyers and vendors.

A list of vendors in the Uplift Procure database, showing their names, locations, industries and certifications

Our extensive vendor database

Our extensive vendor catalogue contains the most critical information you need presented in an intuitive and friendly interface helping smooth the procurement process by providing a more streamlined experience to your projects. Feel confident in your choices with access to data no other platform has.

    Database containing 1,000+ vendors
    Detailed information about each vendor
    Quickly add vendors to your vendor portfolio
    Compare vendors with our carefully selected industry metrics
    Easily find vendors based on their service areas or your catchment area

Supporting local communities

Our platform aims to deliver the creation of strong and long-lasting relationships between historically underserved businesses and the procurement teams of institutional buyers statewide. This allows these businesses to participate within the local economy but more importantly to thrive within it.

    Large set of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE)
    Connecting buyers to local vendors in underserved communities
    Align company initiatives by simplifying local procurement
Badges showing vendor certifications like 'Women Business Enterprise', 'Minority Business Enterprise' and 'Veteran Business Enterprise'

Get started today!

Start connecting to your local community of women, minority and veteran owned businesses.

Get Started

About Uplift Procure

Uplift Procure (short for the Initiative for Uplifting Local Procurement) is a service administered by Elevate Small Business, the technical assistance team of the Local Enterprise Assistance Fund, to enable local underserved businesses to thrive in the local economy by accessing institutional contracts from partner anchor institutions. The service is integrated in Elevate suite of services that includes Advisory Services and Capital Solutions.

The mission of Elevate is improve the lives of individuals and households in our communities by supporting the conditions of success for local underserved small businesses.

picture of the LEAF team working together in their office
picture of a vase of pink and purple flowers on the LEAF conference room table
picture of the LEAF team talking at bowling alley
picture of a LEAF team member bowling